Annual General Meeting…

The September lunch will be our AGM. It will be held on Thursday, September 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at KS on the Keys. Again, we’ve booked the room a little longer to give members a chance to chat a bit after lunch.
The meal will be a pizza and salad buffet (with pop/coffee/tea included). The subsidized price for this buffet will be $15 per member, cash collected at the door (please!). If you have dietary restrictions that prevent you from eating the buffet, please send a note and arrangements will be made to accommodate, if the restaurant is able. This buffet was the only way the restaurant could accommodate our group, but it also gives us a chance to say “thank you” to our members by covering some of the meal cost. Please register your attendance by email.
Our yearly elections will be held, and the treasurer will share a financial report. It’s also a great time to chat with any executive member about what we’re doing right (or wrong!) and give any feedback/input you have about club activities. Please join us…   

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