Annual General Meeting 2019

We held our Annual General Meeting today with about 45 members gathering at the KS on the Keys for lunch. We also took advantage of our gathering to kick-off our 30th anniversary celebrations!

First, the business … Chapter President Claude Bruneau recounted the year’s activities with a song-filled presentation (thank you to VP Cindy Daoust and member Louise des Rivières-Gendron for their work on the presentation) showcasing all the great activities the chapter offered (and members enjoyed) in 2018.

Claude also thanked “retiring” VP France Picard for her service to the chapter and time with the executive.

Then, treasurer Lise Jette shared the chapter’s 2018 financial results. In summary, all is well! As is recommended for organizations like ours, we have enough funds to cover a years activities/costs, if needed. A reminder that we offer all activities at a discount to members, with the club sponsoring a portion of the costs each time. If you would like a copy of the annual financials, send an email to the treasurer.

Next, chapter elections were held. Two VPs and the treasure position were up for renewal. Lise agreed to stay on as treasurer for another two years. Merci Lise! Also, VP Karen Casselman also agreed to serve another two-year term. Thank you Karen. For the final VP position, member Christiane Tailleur volunteered to join the executive. With no objections or further nominations from the floor, we welcomed Christiane to the executive.

Finally, we ate, drank, reconnected with our fellow members and enjoyed a wonderful cake — celebrating Heritage Club’s 30th anniversary — prepared by member Chantal Moroni!

Thank you to everyone who joined us! We look forward to sharing the rest of the ‘year’ with you!

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