Mobility workshop – we have a date!

There are still spots available for the mobility workshop on Wednesday, June 20 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Cost is $45 per person. Improved mobility allows for greater movement in joints, improves posture, helps to release muscle tension and soreness, and reduces the risk of injury. It may also help increase circulation, muscle control, and improve balance and co-ordination. By-Town Heritage Club members, friends and family have an opportunity to part of a private hour-long mobility workshop at Pilates Space (340 MacLaren Street). Note that there is no commitment or pressure for any ongoing exercise program, and you don’t need any kind of previous skills to take part. Everyone can benefit from this workshop – men, women, whether you’re already fit and healthy, or you have physical limitations that prevent you from otherwise taking part in a regular exercise regime. If you would be interested in attending, please send an email to, to register.

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