Dues renewal contest coming soon!

We’ve got a great ‘dues renewal contest’ coming your way next month! Everyone who renews their dues before December 15 will be eligible for the contest. Stay tuned for details in the next newsletter. There’s no time like the present to renew your dues!

This year has been different in that your club hasn’t been able to offer the same activities and events we typically do. Regardless of the situation COVID-19 has brought to us, we hope you will pay your 2021 dues. Our funding is partially determined by how many PAID members we have, and your support is important. And, we believe $20 remains a small price to pay to be part of this fun group and have access to the programs and discounts it typically offers.

When we can safely offer activities (perhaps more frequent, but smaller gatherings) and/or the other benefits your paid membership brings, we will do so. Dues are $20 (per member, spouse receives discounts, etc. with the $20 payment) for the 2021 year and can be paid at any time. Payment information is at the end of this newsletter (please read it carefully).

Please note: cheques must be made payable to our treasurer LISE JETTÉ (not the club…) and etransfers must be sent to treasurer@bytownchapter.com. Please read the full instructions at the end of this newsletter or visit the website.


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