Fundraiser for By-Town’s 2016 Cause of Choice – April 19

More than 100 people from the community, including several tables of By-Town members, got together for an evening of fun and frivolity at a ‘Name that Tune’ event, helping to raise some $3,000 for NAJDA Refugee Sponsors. The evening was hosted by the illustrious Tim McGurrin. Great job everyone!

(Original post)

Come one, come all to a “Name That Tune” style fundraiser in support of the NAJDA Refugee Sponsorship Group, seeking to sponsor the resettlement of a family of Syrian refugees to the Ottawa-Gatineau area. Brigid’s Well, which is in the basement of Saint Brigid’s Centre for the Arts, 310 Saint Patrick street in the market, will be hosting us for the evening on April 19 at 7 p.m.

Book now – space is very limited, and we’re counting on By-Town members to represent!!

Fellow By-Town member Tim McGurrin has been building and hosting music quizzes for about 10 years, and the rules are simple. Teams of players will be asked to identify song titles and artists from a snippet of music. This is the biggest and arguably the best quiz I’ve ever built, offering good fun for everyone, casual listeners and music aficionados alike. If you’re up for a fun evening of entertainment and friendly competition (and beer), book your tables now!

By-Town Chapter invites you to round up a few friends and relations and book a table of 5 for $100, with all funds raised donated to the NAJDA: Refugee Sponsor group.

To sign up, contact Tim at

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